Ein Paar Barfuß Wanderschuhe Leder braun seitlich
    Ein Paar Barfuß Wanderschuhe Leder braun seitlich
Ein Paar Barfuß Wanderschuhe Leder braun seitlich
Ein Paar Barfuß Wanderschuhe Leder braun seitlich
    Ein Paar Barfuß Wanderschuhe Leder braun seitlich
Ein Paar Barfuß Wanderschuhe Leder braun seitlich

About this product

product description

The Tracker Forest ESC Women's Bracken is the ultimate women's adventure boot designed specifically for use in the forest. It has been designed in collaboration with wilderness experts to provide moisture management and mud management in demanding environments.

This advanced adventure shoe is packed with features made for expeditions without compromising the classic barefoot feel and fit you've come to expect from us. The Tracker Forest ESC Women's Bracken is your faithful companion for outdoor adventures, harmonizing with the natural environment and supporting you in every situation.

  • Upper material: 100% metal-free leather
  • Inner material: Breathable, winter and waterproof HydroGuard lining
  • Sole: Patented, puncture-resistant MICHELIN-ESC sole
  • Insole: Removable 3mm Ortholite insole
  • Style: Boat
  • Water-repellent
product description

The Tracker Forest ESC Women's Bracken is the ultimate women's adventure boot designed specifically for use in the forest. It has been designed in collaboration with wilderness experts to provide moisture management and mud management in demanding environments.

This advanced adventure shoe is packed with features made for expeditions without compromising the classic barefoot feel and fit you've come to expect from us. The Tracker Forest ESC Women's Bracken is your faithful companion for outdoor adventures, harmonizing with the natural environment and supporting you in every situation.

  • Upper material: 100% metal-free leather
  • Inner material: Breathable, winter and waterproof HydroGuard lining
  • Sole: Patented, puncture-resistant MICHELIN-ESC sole
  • Insole: Removable 3mm Ortholite insole
  • Style: Boat
  • Water-repellent


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